Nova is a tricolor mini F1b Aussiedoodle who weighs 17lbs. Nova is a velcro dog, she is the best snuggle and napping buddy. Anywhere I go Nova is close behind. Nova enjoys hanging out with her fur brother Wes. She enjoys playing with toys, fetch and going for walks. She is cuddly and enjoys affection. Nova is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Millie is a tricolor F2 Bernedoodle weighing 35lbs. Millie is loyal and enjoys running around and playing with the kids. She is sweet and loving; she enjoys being cuddled and is always under foot. Millie is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Vera is a tricolor (silver) F2 Bernedoodle weighing 20lbs. Vera is sweet and social; she enjoys running and playing with kids. She’s a happy girl who always has a smile on her face. She loves going out to the park and meeting new people. Fun fact she is Millie’s sister.
Vera is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Lily is an AKC standard poodle. She weighs approximately 60lbs. She is such a lover, she greets everyone with the sweetest approach giving the biggest puppy dog eyes. She enjoys affection and often leans right into you for more. She's laid back and very tolerant. Lilly is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Maci is a tricolor merle micro multigenerational Bernedoodle weighing 8lbs. She is a total sweetheart. She is very tolerant and loves to be held. She enjoys playing with her family and her fur sibling Tiny. Maci is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Indy is an F2 Aussie Mountain Doodle. Daughter of Luna & Blue. Indy in gentle, docile and affectionate. She loves everyone she meets. She is human focused and wants to be by our sides. She's loyal and works hard to understand any tasks she is given. She's laidback in nature and overall a lover. Indy is 55lbs. Indy resides in a guardian home.
Rey is an F2 Bernedoodle. She is the daughter of Vega & Titan. Rey is incredibly sweet and loyal. She loves her people. Rey is a big goofy girl and is constantly making us laugh. She is medium energy, she has periods of play, zoomies and then will rest snuggled up on your lap like she isn't 60lbs. Rey resides in a guardian home
Kiki is an F1 Aussiedoodle. She is extremely smart, she masters tricks and puzzles quickly. Kiki resides in a guardian home with 3 littles. She is very gentle with them. She enjoys playing fetch, other dogs and being close with her humans. She's very affectionate and wants to be by your side always. Kiki is laidback and has an off switch when its time to relax. Kiki weighs approximately 35lbs.
Ayla is an F2 Aussie Mountain Doodle. Daughter of Luna & Blue. Ayla is extremely loving and affectionate like her mom Luna. She is active and playful but is content with just hanging out with us on the couch too. Ayla is happy to greet everyone she meets. She is social, outgoing, goofy and a total sweetheart. Ayla weights 55lbs. Ayla resides in our home.
Luna is a beautiful phantom F1 Bernedoodle who weighs 50lbs. She is a gentle lady; she enjoys snuggling up with us and just lounging on the floor like a rug. She is very docile, super social, and loves everyone she meets. Luna is officially retired and will continue to reside with us as a resident grandma. Luna is mom to two future WestPenn Doodle Mamas Indy & Ayla.
CoCo is our beautiful chocolate parti small standard poodle. She is 45lbs. CoCo is a gentle lady, who loves to cuddle and be close to us. She is very smart and loyal. She does enjoy running around with the kids in the yard and playing ball. CoCo is part of our Guardian
Home Program.
Maia is a black Moyen AKC Poodle weighing 22lbs. Maia is affectionate, loyal, intelligent and mellow. Maia enjoys lounging on the couch and taking up the entire king size bed. Maia is active and playful outside and a total cuddle bug inside. Maia is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Macey is a black parti micro F1bb Bernedoodle who weighs 12lbs. Macey loves being close and getting lots of pets and cuddles. She is extremely affectionate. She enjoys going for car rides and spending time with her family, going for walks. She attended Board n Train with Control Is Key to be an exceptional girl for her family. Macey is part of our Guardian Home Program.
Vega is a sable F1 Bernedoodle. She weighs 62lbs. She is playful and easygoing. She enjoys fetching and playing chase. She also loves to be close to you and will often sit right on your feet. She is very loving, enjoys belly rubs, and giving kisses. She is gentle with our children and mindful when interacting with the puppies. Vega is mom to 2 future WestPenn Doodle mama's Rey & Bindi